Frequently Asked Questions

What app does ChameleoCase use to project images on the screen?

ChameleoCase uses the app called AI Phone Case to project the image through NFC technology! Find the app in the app store here: AI Phone Case

Do you have a case for Samsung devices?

Yes! We recently released the ChameleoCase for the Galaxy S23 and the Galaxy S24.

How many times can you change the image?

Unlimited amount of times! Just upload the image of your choice to the app and watch the magic happen.

How long will it take to get my orders?

Shipping times vary by customer location and product shipping location, however orders arrive in approximately 5 - 12 business days

What is your return/ refund policy?

We offer a 100% refund (amount on the invoice) for the following cases:

  • Wrong size received (e.g., customer ordered a iPhone 14 Case, but an iPhone 15 case was sen).
  • Wrong color received (e.g., customer ordered white, but black was sent).
  • Defective item received (e.g., the item does not work, such as the phone case does not work properly).
  • Item is missing (e.g., customer ordered 3 items, but only received 2).
  • Parcel lost during transportation.
  • Item damaged (broken) during transportation.

For all eligible cases, we offer two options: a full refund for the amount we charged, or we can send you a replacement order at no additional cost.
To request a refund or replacement, please email support@chameleocase.com with your order number and include a video if your case is broken, showing the item not functioning.